Offering college students support…
one hug or pup at a time

Note: we apologize for not updating the website more frequently. Please know that we are still *very* active; we are just spending all of our time and energy supporting the students by going to UNC for days each week, hosting a HAPPEE student Discord server, and more! We are trying to keep our Student Voices page (in the About section) more current so please take a look there.
Our Mission Statement
To improve college students’ mental health with Hugs, Pups, and Love, by providing emotional support, outreach, education, and advocacy.

When are we strolling?

For mental health resources…

If you want some cat playtime, check out the Cat Tales Cat Cafe on Franklin St.
HAPPEE, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) organization (EIN 87-3609371). Gifts are deductible to the full extent allowable under IRS regulations.